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LED Deckenleuchte Otis in weiß
40,82 €

LED Deckenleuchte Otis in weiß

LED Deckenleuchte Otis in weiß
Mega Sale
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4082 €
inkl. gesetzlicher USt., zzgl. Versandkosten
Artikelnr. V-0231012018-03
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Durchschnittliche Artikelbewertung
(4,5 von 5)

(es liegen 6 Artikelbewertungen vor)

Teilen Sie anderen Kunden Ihre Erfahrungen mit

Simple modern light

I use this light in the attic, it is easily fixed to the wall and spreads a nice, warm diffused light. It connects with 3 wires to any existing switchable 220V source. The body is entirely mode of white plastic which is nicely finished, the leds are fixed on what looks to be a painted aluminum backplane (which is great for heat diffusion). If you are looking for an easy to install, simple but stylish light this one cannot be faulted.
Simple modern light

I use this light in the attic, it is easily fixed to the wall and spreads a nice, warm diffused light.It connects with 3 wires to any existing switchable 220V source. The body is entirely mode of white plastic which is nicely finished, the leds are fixed on what looks to be a painted aluminum backplane (which is great for heat diffusion). If you are looking for an easy to install, simple but stylish light this one cannot be faulted.
Simple modern light

I use this light in the attic, it is easily fixed to the wall and spreads a nice, warm diffused light.It connects with 3 wires to any existing switchable 220V source. The body is entirely mode of white plastic which is nicely finished, the leds are fixed on what looks to be a painted aluminum backplane (which is great for heat diffusion). If you are looking for an easy to install, simple but stylish light this one cannot be faulted.
eKomi Bewertung
26.4.2020, 21:44 Uhr

Schnelle Lieferung und gute Qualität.
eKomi Bewertung
21.10.2019, 7:06 Uhr

Preis-Leistung gut, einfache Montage.
eKomi Bewertung
5.12.2018, 18:08 Uhr

Schaut gut aus und nicht billig. Licht ist sehr gut und daher ist der Raum gut ausgeleuchtet (Vorratsraum)

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LED Deckenleuchte Otis in weiß
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